Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

419 - Degree in Geography and Land Management

28303 - Geographical thought: conceptual and methodological evolution

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
28303 - Geographical thought: conceptual and methodological evolution
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
419 - Degree in Geography and Land Management
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

This subject has a theoretical and practical orientation. Academic activities begin with the theoretical sessions (45 hours) by the lecturer, synchronizing this development practices in the classroom sessions (10 hours). Both in the development of theoretical and practical sessions, the exhibition allows an academic dynamic in which the student intervention may be continuous and absolutely necessary to complete the learning process.

5.2. Learning tasks

Lecture sessions: 45 hours

Interactive, individual or group activities: 10 hours

Directed activities: 34 hours

Private study: 58 hous

Assessment: 3 hours

5.3. Syllabus

0.- Introduction
1. Building one science: construction stages of Geography.
1.1. The origins of Geography and its relationship to the Cartography. From the Old Age to the Scientific Revolution.

1.2. The precursors of Modern Geography: the naturalistic approach.
1.3. Modern Geography: Determinism, Possibilism ...
1.4. Epistemological revolutions in the second half of the twentieth century.
1.5. The answers to the Neopositivism in Geography.
1.6. New Trends.

2. Fields of geographic knowledge: Physical Geography, Human Geography and Regional Geography.

3. Main concepts in Geography.

4. Geography and Science
4.1. The role of the Geography in the Science.
4.2. Methods of Analysis in Geography

5.4. Course planning and calendar

The course is divided into four thematic blocks. The first block includes the first unit -construction stages of Geography-; it runs during the first six weeks of the term. The second thematic block includes the unit 2 -presentation of the different study fields of Geography- and runs during the following two weeks. The third block covers the main concepts about Geography and develops during one week, and the fourth block includes the role of Geography in the Science, and runs during one or two weeks.


For further details concernig the timetable, classroom and other information of the course please refer to the

“Facultad de Filosofía y Letras”  web site (

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

BARROWS, H.H. 1922. "Geography as human ecology". Annals Ass. of American Geographers.   vol. 13. pp. 1-14.

BAULIG, H. 1948. "La Géographie est-elle une science? ".  Annales de Géographie. nº 305, LVIIe, janvier-mars. pp. 1-11.

BERTRAND, G. 1968. “Paysage et Géographia Phisique globale. Esquisse methodologique”. Révue Géographoqiue des Pyrennées du Sud-Ouest. 3, pp. 249-272.

BERRY, B.J. 1864 “Approaches to regional Analysis: a syntesis”. Annals of the Association of American geographers. Pp. 2-11

BRUNHES, J. 1921. La Gégraphie Humaine. Alcan. París (Taducción española: Iniciación a la Geografía Humana. Omega. Madrid)

BRUNHES, J., VALLEUX, C. 1928. Geografía de la Historia. Geografía de la paz y de la guerra en la tierra y en el mar. Jorra Ed. Madrid.

BUNGE, W.W. 1963. Theoretical Geography.  Lund Studies in Geography. Gleerup.

BUTTIMER, A. 1974.  Values in Geography. Ass. of American Geographers. Reseach Paper  nº 24. Washington.

BUTTIMER, A. 1983. The practice of Geography.  Longmans. London.

BUTTIMER, A.; SEMONd. (ED.) The human experience of space and place. Crom Helm. Londres.

CHORLEY, J.R. 1962. " Geomorphology and general system theory".  Professional Papers.  580-B, US Geological Survey.

CHORLEY, R.J. y HAGGETT, P. (Ed.) 1971.  La Geografía y los modelos socio-económicos. INEAL. Col. Nuevo Urbanismo. Madrid.

CHRISTALLER, W.  1966.  Central Place s in Shoutern Germany.   Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey. (La edición original en alemán está fechada en 1933).

FREMONT, A. 1970.  La region, espace vécu.  P.U.F. París.

FREMONT, A  2005. Aimez-vous la géographie ?París. Flammarion

GARCÍA BLANCO, P.; GARCÍA RAMÓN, J.M. 1991. Estrabón. Geografía . Libros I, II, III y IV. Edición anotada por….Gredos. Madrid.

GOLD, J.R. 1980. An Introduction to Behavioural Geography.  Oxford University Press. Oxford.

GOTTMAN, J. 1952.  L'aménagement de l'espace.  Colín. parís.

HAGGETT, P. 1976. Análisis locacional en Geografía humana.  Gili Ed. Barcelona.(ed. original 1965)

HAGGERSTRÄND, T. 1967. Innovation, Diffusion and  spatial process,  Chicago Universitu Press. Chicago.

HARTSHORNE, R. 1939.  The Nature of Geography.  Annales  Ass. of American Geographers.

HARTSHORNE, R. 1959. Perspective on the nature of Geography, The Ass. Of American Geographers, Chicago,  ( Taducción italiana: Metodi e prospettive della Geografia. Milano. De. Franco Angeli. 1972.)

HARVEY, D. 1969. Explanation in Geography. Arnold. London. ( edició en español: 1983, Teorías, leyes y modelos en Geografía. Alianza Universidad Textos. Madrid).

HARVEY, D. 1973.  Social Justice and the City.  Arnold. London. (edición e español: Urbanismo y desigualdad social.  Siglo XXI. Madrid.).

HARVEY, D. 1992. The Condition of Postmodernity. Blackwell. Oxford.

HARVEY, D. (2003). Espacios de esperanza. Akal. Cuestiones de Antagonismo. Madrid.

HETTNER, A. 1927. "La sistemática de la Geografía. Geografía General y Geografía Regional".  Traducción de PLANS, A. y P. en Didáctica geográfica, nº 1 pp. 33-38.

HUNTINGTON, E. 1915. Civilisation and climate.  Yale Univ. Press. New haven Con. (Ed. Española, 1942. Civilización y clima. Revista de Occidente. Madrid.

HUNTINGTON, E.; CUSHING, S.W. 1920. Principles of Human Geographie. J. Wiley and sons. Nueva York.

LYNCH, K. 1960.  The image of the city.  MIT. Cambridge (Massa.).  (Edición en español de 1970 en Infinito, Buenos Aires).

JOHNSTON, R.J. 1985. The future of Geography.  Methuen. London.

LACOSTE, Y. 1976. Géographie du sous-dévelopment. Presses Universitaires de France. París.

LACOSTE, Y. 1977.  La geografía, un arma para la Guerra.  Anagrama. Madrid.

LOWENTHAL, D. 1961. "Geography. Experience and imagination: Towards a Geographical Epistemology". Annals Ass. of American Geographers. Vol. 51, nº 2. pp. 241-260.

NOGUÉ, J. y VICENTE, J. 2001. Geopolítica, identidad y globalización. Ariel Geografía. Barcelona.

PACIONE, M. (ED. )  Croom Helm Progress in Geography Serie.  University of Strathclydes.

PARK, R.E.; BURGESS, E.W.. 1925.  The City.  Chicago.

PEET, R. (Ed.) 1977. Radical Geography. Alternative Viewpoints on contemporary social issues.  Mathuen. London.

PHILIPPONNEAU, M. 1960. Géographie et action. Introducction a la Géographie Apliquée. Colin. París.

QUAINI, M. 1982. Marxismo y Geografía.  Oikos-Tau. Barcelona.

RATZEL, F. 1885-1891.. Antrophogeographie öder Grundzüge der Erdkunde auf die Geschichte. Vol. I y II. Engelhorn. Sttugart.

RATZEL, F. 1897, Politische Geographie. Geographie der Staten, des Verkehrs und Krieges. R. Oldenburg, Munich-Leipzig.

RECLUS, E. 1932.  El hombre y la tierra. Mauci. Barcelona.

ROSE, C. 1993. Feminisme and Geography. Blackwell, Oxford.

SANTOS, M. 1996. Metamorfosis del espacio habitado. Oikos-tau. Barcelona.

SANTOS, M. 1996. De la totalidad al lugar. Oikos-tau. Barcelona.

SANTOS, M.1999. La naturaleza del espacio. Técnica y tiempo. Razón y emoción. Ariel Geografía.

SAUER, C.O. 1925.” The Morphology of Landscape”. University of California. Publs. In Geography, vol 2, pp. 19-35

SCHAEFER, F.K. 1953 "Excepcionalisme in Geography. A metodological examination". Annals Ass. of American Geographers.  XLIII. pp. 226-249. (edición , en español, prologada,  de CAPEL. H., Universidad de Barcelona, 1973).

SCHLÜTER, O. 1900. Die Formen der ländlichen Siedelungen”. Geographische Zeitschrift, pp. 248-262.

SOJA, E.W. 1989. Posmodern geographies: The reassertion of space in critical social theory. Verso. Londres.

SORRE, M. 1943. Les fondaments de la Géographie Humaine. I. Les fondaments biologiques. Essai d’ une Écologie de l’homme. Colin.

SORRE, M. 1948-50. Les fondaments de la Géographie Humaine. II. Les fondaments technics. Colin.

TAYLOR, P. 1994. Geografía Política. Economía-Mundo, Estado-Nación y Localidad. Trama Editorial. Madrid.

TUAN Y.F. 1976. "Humanistic Geography". Annals Ass. of American Geographers. nº 66 pp. 266-276.

TUAN Y.F. 1977. Space and Place: the Perspective of Experience. Arnold. London.

VIDAL DE LA BLACHE, P. 1895-1886. “Le principe de la Géographie Générale”. Annales de Géographie, V année, pp. 129-142.

VIDAL DE LA BLACHE, P. 1903. Tableau de la géographie de la France. Histoire de la France I. Hachette. París

VIDAL DE LA BLACHE, P. 1913. "  Des caractères distinctifs de la Géographie". Annales de Géographie. nº 124. pp. 289-299.

VIDAL DE LA BLACHE, P. 1922.  Principes de Géographie Humaine.  Compilación de E. De Martonne. Colin. París.

ZELINSKY, W. 1073. “Women in Geography: A brief factual acount”. Profesional Geographer, pp. 101-106.